Our Family
Our Cline heritage is defined as those values, traditions, events, beliefs, and relationships in our families that combine to give rise to our character. Heritage gives us our past and helps us understand elements of our life; our values, priorities, beliefs, and the guidelines we may have been taught to manage our daily lives. Heritage shines light on the experiences of our ancestors, and possibly a lifestyle we will pass on to our descendants. Collectively, the heritage of our Cline family gives rise to its culture.
You may have heard it said that it takes lots of people to produce one single human being. Only counting the past 500 years alone, someone calculated that it took a total of 1,048,576 people to produce you – that one single person!
So, for those of us who call ourselves pseudo-genealogists, or maybe part-time detectives? Or keen observers? Or studious sociologists or historians? Or snoops? Or maybe even genealogy addicts? Or probably complete nuts? Whatever we call ourselves, this website is for us!
This website’s purpose is to breathe life into all who have gone before, and to record that past so that we can better live in the present, so that those who come after us will have a history, a past.

2024 NC Reunion
When: | June 28th, 2024 through June 30th, 2024 |
Where: |
Old St. Paul's Lutheran Church 2035 Old Conover-Startown Rd. Newton, NC 28658 Map Link |
The 2024 Cline Reunion is in less than 4 weeks. We've extended the deadline to June 17th. That's the "drop-dead" date for ordering your reunion meals. This means you'll need to mail your registration by June 11th to make sure it gets to us in time.
You can still come to the reunion, but you'll not get to eat with us. You're welcomed to bring your own food, of course or eat at local restaurants!! No problem.
If you don't want the catered meals, you can still register and even just show up at the door (registration fee: $30/person or $50/family). Remember we'll have an event Friday night, all day on Saturday, and Sunday morning - all at Old St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Newton, NC. A copy of the registration flyer is on this website, which shows you the schedule and lots of other details about the weekend. This is the registration flyer that was mailed to over 800 Cline families!!
At the reunion this year, we'll have 6 speakers to share something about our Cline families, 4 meals (Sunday morning's brunch is free), Cline displays, a post-reunion Cline tour, a simple service in the old historic church Sunday morning (which our family helped start back in the 1700s), a Cline Store containing many souvenirs, and artifacts from our families including an original door from Sebastian Cline's home in Newton. Interested?
Send in your registration soon. Call Bill Jones (828-310-3079) or Metaleen Cline Morgan Thomas (828-896-6511) with your questions.
Register Now
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