The Cline Family
In America Since 1739

2022 Reunion Information

The 2022 Cline Family Reunion in North Carolina will be held July 1 - 3

Old St. Paul's Lutheran Church
2035 Old Conover-Startown Rd.
Newton, NC 28658

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2022 Reunion Schedule

Friday, July 1st Library at Lenoir-Rhyne University 625 7th Ave. NE, Hickory, NC 28601
5:00 pm Reception at Lenoir-Rhyne University (founded by Clines) on campus at the L-R Library and a Self-guided tour of "Cline L-R history" at the university
Saturday, July 2nd Fellowship Hall, Old St. Paul's Lutheran Church (OSPL)
8:00 am Cline Family Business Meeting (Don Cline, president)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Cline Store & Genealogy Research Room (by appointment)
Email to tell us what you'd like help researching before the reunion. We'll try to work on it ahead of time.
9:00 Presentation #1: Richard Eller - Publishing History/Narratives
10:00 am Presentation #2: David McCorkle - Introduction to Genealogy in the 2020s
11:00 am Presentation #3: Julie Cline - Travelog of Alsase, France - Cline Homeland
12:00 pm Pre-paid Catered Lunch & group photo
1:30 pm Presentation #4: Metaleen Cline Morgan Thomas - Cline Lenoir-Rhyne Connection
2:30 pm Presentati0n #5: Randy Sigmon - History of Old St. Paul's Lutheran Church & new book
5:00 pm Sims BBQ: cash only (Dutch Treat: $16/adult, $8/child 4-11 years old, free if under 3 years old)
Sunday, July 3rd Historic Church (across street) & Fellowship Hall of OSPL Church
8:00 am Patriotic Worship Service - Old St. Paul’s Historic Lutheran Church (snacks in fellowship hall afterwards, plus Cline Store open)
10:00 am Review of GPS tour & Reunion Closing (snacks) - Fellowship Hall, OSPL Church
11:30 am Post-Reunion Lunch - at a local restaurant (Dutch treat)
Extra GPS Cline Tour (purchase guide @ Cline Store)

2022 Cline Reunion Photos

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